Diamond Fluorescence Guide
The fluorescence of a diamond is the visible glow that occurs when it is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Fluorescence is a naturally occurring phenomenon created from the mineral properties boron and nitrogen. It can appear in many minerals and gems.
Nearly all diamonds have some degree of fluorescence, although certain lighting conditions makes this difficult to see with the unaided eye. An ultraviolet lamp, however, can be used to reveal a soft-colored, fluorescent glow.
Diamond fluorescence occurs in varying intensities and colors. Gemological laboratories rate the fluorescence of each diamond on a scale ranging from "None" to "Very Strong."
Fluorescence is categorized as 'None' when there is no visible reaction under ultraviolet light. It will be categorized as 'Faint', 'Medium', 'Strong', or 'Very Strong' depending on how much glow is observed.
The color range of the glow varies from standard blue to shades of green, white, pink, yellow, red or orange.
Non, Nil, Negligible Non, Nil, Negligible | No fluorescence, no influence on color No fluorescence, no influence on color. | Anjolee Signature Diamonds |
Faint, Slight Faint, Slight | Weak fluorescence, not a significant influence on color (barely perceptible) Weak fluorescence, not a significant influence
on color (barely perceptible). | Not carried by Anjolee |
Medium Medium | Average fluorescence, small influence Average fluorescence, small influence. | Not carried by Anjolee |
Strong, Very Strong Strong, Very Strong | Strong influence, substantial color influence Strong influence, substantial color influence. | Not carried by Anjolee |